Information on monitoring complaints for public lighting
The undersigned Local Development Agency Oradea SA, with CUI RO 24734055, registered at the Trade Register under no. J05/2814/2008, with registered office in Oradea, str. City Hall no.3, legally represented by general director Silaghi Teodora Alina, has taken over the direct management as a way of exploitation and administration of public lighting in the municipality of Oradea according to the Decision of the Local Council no.246/31.03.2021.
Starting from 14.07.2021, complaints and complaints regarding public lighting in Oradea will be directed to the specialists in public lighting within the Lighting Department of the Local Development Agency Oradea S.A.
In order to identify and solve the reported problems as efficiently as possible, citizens are requested to indicate as precisely as possible the location.
Citizens who report malfunctions in public lighting can contact:
- by phone, at the Local Police Oradea dispatch, respectively at the phone number 0259/969
- by e-mail to
- OradeaCityReport, application available in Play Store and App Store with the possibility to check in real time the status of the submitted complaint
- personally by the petitioner at the Oradea City Hall registry office.
After distribution of written complaints/complaints, the following steps will be taken to resolve them:
Identification of the location for which the referral is made
Analysis of the complaint/complaint
The complaints received will be forwarded to the Lighting Department for resolution as soon as possible, depending on the complexity and volume of the work.
Complaints, complaints concerning the extension of the public lighting network will be directed to the Technical Department of Oradea City Hall, ADLO S.A. manages the operation and maintenance of public lighting.
Complaints/anonymous complaints are examined in order to clarify the issues raised and to initiate any necessary measures, provided that the location is specified as accurately as possible.
In the case of complaints/submissions where there is insufficient information to identify the place of consumption, additional information will be requested.