The University of Oradea is a higher education institution in Romania. It was established in 1990 and has a rich history in education. The University has 11 faculties and offers bachelor, master and doctoral programs in a variety of fields such as social sciences, natural sciences, engineering, medicine and many others. The student community is diverse and has a strong reputation for research and innovation. It is one of the leading academic centres in the region and is recognised nationally and internationally for its academic excellence.
The Association of Bihor Businesses (AFB) is an employers’ organisation that aims to truly represent the more than 30,000 active businesses in Bihor County. The initiative to set up the AFB belongs to the owner of Adeplast S.A., Marcel Bărbuț, and the managers of the 50 most important companies in Bihor county have subscribed to it as founding members.
“The more than 30,000 companies, including family associations and authorised individuals, active in Bihor County are not really represented by an employers’ association. Under these circumstances, we have taken the initiative to found a new organisation of this kind, a lively, interactive one, which will be firmly involved in solving the general and specific problems of all companies in Bihor. We call on all business people who believe that fair business can still be done in Romania.” – text source: https://afbh.ro/Despre-noi – photo source: Facebook – AFB
Through its team of professionals, the Bihor Chamber of Commerce and Industry generates added value for its members and the local business community, encouraging and supporting the development of entrepreneurship, respecting the values of the market economy. The main objective is to support business people from the country and abroad in their activity, regardless of the field in which they operate by making available offers, requests for tenders on the market, by providing advice in the commercial, legal, economic and financial fields, by providing useful commercial, economic and legislative information, etc. The Bihor Chamber of Commerce and Industry promotes the construction and consolidation of a network of contacts, including its members and partners, thus forming a common voice in the defence and promotion of business interests, in dialogue with public authorities. – text source: https://ccibh.ro/viziunea-si-misiunea-camerei-de-comert-si-industrie-bihor/ photo source: https://ccibh.ro/
AHK Romania is the official representation of the German economy in Romania and was established as a bilateral Chamber of Commerce abroad (AHK), with headquarters in Bucharest, on 5 September 2002. For 20 years AHK Romania has been the main actor in the Romanian-German bilateral relations, it is actively involved in their development and supports companies in the development of their activities. As a bilateral economic organisation in Romania with more than 560 member companies, AHK Romania is part of a strong network for the economic, political and administrative environment and represents the interests of its members towards public institutions. Since its foundation, AHK Romania has been included in the network of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry abroad (AHKs), represented in more than 92 countries around the world at more than 140 locations. The AHKs are institutions that promote German foreign trade and are organisationally linked to the German Chambers of Commerce and Industry (IHKs). text source : https://www.ahkrumaenien.ro/ro/despre-noi/misiunea-ahk and photo: Facebook AHK
The Polish-Romanian Bilateral Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PRBCC) was established on 9th June 2016 in the Embassy of Romania in Poland by Polish and Romanian companies. The main idea was to create a dynamic and independent business network dedicated to further enhance the Polish-Romanian economic relations.
The PRBCC offers its members and partners a variety of services, promotion and support tailored to the needs of affiliated companies. The PRBCC organizes trade missions, business events, b2b meetings, acts as a partner of important economic events in Poland and Romania. The Chamber actively cooperates with the Embassy of Romania in Poland, the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH), the Polish Chamber of Commerce (KIG), local chambers of commerce in Poland and Romania, industry clusters, and other partners in both countries. text source: https://prbcc.pl/about-us/